0 entries found for huan1 ying2
This is the Chinese - English dictionary, search by Chinese, English or Pinyin. The pinyin can be in any form separated by spaces i.e. ni hao, ni3 hao3 or nǐ hǎo. Click one of the toolbar items to change the search mode, the default is by meaning. By clicking the row in the table you will be able to see the stroke order for each character in the result, both traditional and simplified character stroke order are shown. Change the amount of results that are shown using the navigation controls for the grid.
Chinese dictionaries have a long history and have evolved over time to meet the needs of learners and scholars. Here's an overview:
- 1. Shuowen Jiezi (c. 2nd century AD):
One of the earliest Chinese dictionaries, compiled by Xu Shen. It categorized characters based on radicals, providing definitions and explanations. This laid the foundation for future lexicography.
- 2. Kangxi Dictionary (1716):
Commissioned by the Kangxi Emperor, this monumental work organized over 47,000 characters and included information on pronunciation, meanings, and usage. It was based on the structure of the radicals and stroke count.
- 3. Modern Chinese Dictionaries:
- Xinhua Dictionary: Published by the Commercial Press in 1953, it is one of the most widely used dictionaries for learners and native speakers. It includes both simplified and traditional characters.
- Hanyu Da Cidian: Known as the "Great Chinese Dictionary," it is one of the most comprehensive dictionaries, containing a vast number of entries and detailed information on each character. -
4. Specialized Dictionaries:
- Ci Hai: An encyclopedic dictionary that covers a wide range of topics beyond just language, including history, science, and culture.
- Mathematical Dictionaries: There are dictionaries specifically focused on mathematical terms, helping students and professionals in the field. -
5. Online Dictionaries:
- Pleco: A popular mobile app that serves as a comprehensive Chinese-English dictionary, featuring character recognition, audio pronunciation, and example sentences.
- NCIKU: An online dictionary with a focus on providing example sentences and context for words and phrases. -
6. Specialized Learner's Dictionaries:
- HSK Vocabulary Books: With the increasing importance of the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) proficiency exam, dictionaries specifically tailored to HSK vocabulary levels have become common.
7. Radical and Character Indexes:
- Many dictionaries use a radical-based system to index characters, making it easier to look up unfamiliar characters based on their components.
8. Digital Dictionaries:
- With advancements in technology, digital dictionaries and language learning apps have become increasingly popular, offering features like real-time translation, pronunciation guides, and interactive learning.
Chinese dictionaries have adapted to the changing needs of learners and the evolving language itself. Whether in print or digital form, they remain essential tools for anyone studying or using the Chinese language.